HomeTVThe Widow 1x06 The Spider and the Web recap

The Widow 1×06 The Spider and the Web recap

On the sixth episode of The Widow, Georgia (Kate Beckinsale) and Adidja (Shalom Nyandiko) made a journey deep into the Congolese wilderness that yielded unexpected consequences.

If you’re not up to date with The Widow and like to avoid spoilers we suggest you don’t read any further.

The episode opened up 8 months earlier. It shows Djamba (RĂ©ginal Kudiwu) and his men raiding the small village where Adidja lived. They took children, including Adidja, to become soldiers. During the raid, Adidja suffered an injury to her arm which had left a scar. She was dragged away screaming and crying for her mother who was helpless to prevent her daughter being taken.

Back in the present, Georgia and Adidja took a flight back to Kinshasa. Adidja looked out the window in amazement at the sight as she had never been on a plane before. They arrived in Kinshasa and headed straight for Judith’s (Alex Kingston) house where Georgia was given the keys by Joshua (Matthew Gravelle). He left her to lock up because he didn’t want to be there any longer. He said Judith didn’t deserve what happened as she was a good person.

The Widow - 1x06
Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / ITV

Inside, Georgia told Adidja not to worry because they would be safe there. Adidja replied that nobody was safe. Georgia left Adidja in the kitchen to get some food while she had a look around. She looked through Judith’s filing cabinet and her laptop for traces of Pieter Bello (Bart Fouche) but found nothing.

Meanwhile, Martin (Charles Dance) met with a former Air Force officer and told him he was doing a research project. He told Martin that it had been 10 years since he left the Air Force. Martin asked if he knew a high ranking General who had a very distinctive voice. The man paused and then said there was one man he could think of a Major General Azikiwe (Babs Olusanmokun) who had a voice as sharp as his temper. Martin played the conversation to Ariel (Ă“lafur Darri Ă“lafsson) who said that man was not the voice he remembered so they were left with the new lead.

Martin took Ariel to Judith’s where Georgia was waiting for them. She introduced them to Adidja and they sat Ariel down while her and Martin spoke in private. He wanted to know who Adidja was and wasn’t happy when she explained. It was revealed that Martin was responsible for having Georgia blocked from the army, which he said was for her own good. Martin apologised and said he was just worried about her and she said she appreciated his help.

Georgia asked Ariel what the plane crash was like. He said it was strange, he had felt like he was sleepwalking through his old life but when the bomb went off it woke him up. He said he knew he wanted to live. While they spoke, Adidja looked through some photographs and when she saw Will (Matthew Le Nevez) she asked Georgia to confirm that was who she was looking for.

The Widow - 1x06
Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / ITV

A flashback to after the raid on the mine, showed Adidja helping the soldier who took a bullet to his leg. She went to ask Pieter for help and interrupted him having a video conference with someone. Adidja said it was Will on the screen and that she knew where he was. Adidja gave Georgia the name of the village where she said Will was, she heard them talk about it on the video call. Martin looked it up and Georgia wanted to take Judith’s car but it was a 15 hour drive. Georgia asked how Will seemed and Adidja said he was shouting. Martin told Georgia to go while he and Ariel tracked down Azikiwe.

Outside Azikiwe’s house, Martin started his dictaphone and left Ariel in the car. He spoke to the guards at the gate and told them he wanted to speak with the Major General. Azikiwe answered the intercom and Martin asked if they could talk as he was doing research for a book on the history of aviation in the Congo. Azikiwe buzzed him in. Inside Martin spotted a photograph of a spitfire on the wall and commented on the Rolls-Royce engine. Azikiwe and Martin took a seat while Sidney (Yoli Fuller), the man who killed Judith, was sat behind them.

Martin muddled through his made up story of writing a book about Congolese aviation. He said that there was to be a chapter on Sankuru Airways and asked questions about Flight 19. Martin said the General’s unit were responsible for the radar tracking but Azikiwe stopped him. While staring at him rather menacingly he told Martin to leave. As he did so, Azikiwe looked at his CCTV feeds and spotted Ariel. He recognised him as the man who saw him give the Green Lion bag at the airport. He called for Sidney and told him to follow them. Martin played the recording to Ariel and he confirmed that Azikiwe was their man.

Back at their hotel, Ariel asked for Martin to find a way to get Azikiwe to meet him in public. He wanted to confront him and make him admit to what he had done. Martin said he wouldn’t put Ariel at risk but he said that he wasn’t scared and wanted him to. Martin said he wasn’t about to let a blind man get himself killed and then suddenly collapsed to the floor. Ariel went to his aid and Martin wondered what he was doing on the floor. Ariel suggested he see a doctor so Martin said he would. He left after getting directions from reception, after he was gone, Sidney came to talk to the receptionist.

The Widow - 1x06
Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / ITV

Ariel sat alone in his hotel room when he phone announced that Beatrix (Louise Brealey) was calling. He answered and she explained that she was calling to tell him that she had the operation on her eyes. She said it would be a while before they knew if it worked. Ariel revealed that he had gone back to Kinshasa and she said she was glad he had. She said she was upset at how they left things but his package hadn’t arrived. Sidney entered the room and seemed confused when Ariel didn’t notice him. Sidney had a gun and pushed Ariel into a chair, telling him not to move.

After raiding the mini-bar, Sidney asked Ariel where his friend had gone. Ariel said that he went home. He called Sidney a coward and the General’s lapdog. This upset him and made the stutter that he had worse. He revealed that he killed Judith and was in control. Ariel said he never even met Judith and wondered who the General thought he was. He said Sidney didn’t have to kill him, that he could just get on a plane and go home. Sidney said he could make it so he didn’t feel a thing and offered to guide him. Ariel jumped when Sidney touched him then got up to his feet.

Meanwhile, Georgia and Adidja arrived at their destination. Georgia got out of the car and began walking towards a group of armed men. As she got close she saw another dragging Will into one of the buildings. He was covered in blood. Georgia ran past the men straight to Will. They followed and grabbed her. Will began screaming for Georgia to get Violet and run. Georgia turned around and saw a young blonde girl who looked at her and said “Mummy”. She awoke with a start, it was just a dream.

Martin returned to the hotel to find Ariel wasn’t there, however there were signs of a struggle and he spotted his dictaphone on the floor still recording. Martin played it back and heard the exchange between Ariel and Sidney. He took the tape to the police but they weren’t interested. Next he made a call to obtain some emails. Martin went back to the hotel and demanded to see the CCTV from the day before. The receptionist said that wasn’t possible but soon changed his mind when Martin pulled out a wad of cash. On the feed they found footage of Sidney leading Ariel outside to his car.

The Widow - 1x06
Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / ITV

The next morning, Georgia and Adidja awoke in the car. Georgia asked if she slept well and she replied no. The continued on their journey and Georgia said they only had a few hours left to go. When they stopped, Georgia showed the locals a photo of Will to see if they had seen him. One man seemed to know something and led Georgia to a building, only to try and sell her corn. Georgia turned around and Adidja ran off so she followed her. It turned out to be the village from the start of the episode where Adidja was abducted. Adidja fell to the ground in tears after hearing the militia killed everyone they didn’t take, including her mother. A Red Cross worker took them to the graveyard. Adidja apologised for tricking Georgia into taking them to the village but she said it was ok.

A flashback revealed that it wasn’t Will on the laptop screen. Pieter was ordering Sidney to kill Judith. Georgia refuelled the car and told Adidja of the daughter that she and Will lost.

Back in Rotterdam, Beatrix arrived back home to recover from her eye operation which seemed to have gone well. While in hospital, the package from Ariel had arrived. It was a painting. As she looked at it, Sidney buried the body of Ariel in the Congo.

Georgia drove back to Judith’s with Adidja to find Martin waiting for them. Georgia was concerned but Martin said it was the last place they would look. He’d also hired some security to keep them safe. Inside, Martin updated Georgia about what he and Ariel had been up to and that they had identified Azikiwe as the man who planted the bomb. He explained about his trip to the doctor, how Sidney had taken Ariel and that the police were not interested in helping. Martin felt bad and knew that Ariel would have been killed for what he knew.

The Widow - 1x06
Credit: Two Brothers Pictures / ITV

He explained that he had sent the hard drive of Judith’s to be analysed and that it had contained many emails between her and Azikiwe. He told her that they were working together and that Judith was letting him smuggle precious metals across the border to Rwanda. He didn’t know if Will had any knowledge on the operation or if he was also involved. He’d also tracked down Sidney and planned to pay him a visit.

They left the next morning and left Adidja sleeping with the security detail to keep an eye on her. At the address they found a woman and asked to speak to Sidney, it was his son’s birthday. When he saw Martin and Georgia he ordered the woman (presumably his wife) to leave the room. He asked how they found him and ordered them to leave. Martin explained all the evidence they had on him and threatened to take it to Azikiwe, knowing he was working behind his back for Pieter.

Georgia wanted to know how Will was involved and where he was. Sidney laughed and said they could have saved a lot of time if they’d asked him before. He said that Will was in Rwanda, in the red house with white pillars round the corner from the new market. They said if he was lying they would go to Azikiwe as promised. He pulled out his phone and made a call, after asking for Will he came on the line and Georgia recognised his voice. She said his name and he replied “Georgia, is that you?”

Can’t wait for the next episode? Check out our preview of The Widow 1×07 Will.

The seventh episode of The Widow airs Monday 29th April on ITV at 9pm.

Greg Ellwood
Greg Ellwoodhttps://8ce250469d.nxcli.io
Greg is the Deputy Editor of Entertainment Focus. He writes about Games, Tech and TV. You can find him on Xbox/PSN/Steam as Tahllian.

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